Looking Back at the SCRATCHBDX2017 Conference

I had the best week at the 2017 Scratch Conference in Bordeaux. I met so many amazing people and I'm glad to call everyone there my friend!

During the conference, I went to Ignite Talks and Workshops. I learned so much, and it is fascinating how technology can provide many resources for people. The conference has made me realize everyone can be involved in the Scratch community even if they are new to coding.

The TurtleStitch Short Talk and Poster session turned out to be a great success! It was great seeing the TurtleStitch cards finally printed, and I'm hoping it would make coding feel more welcoming for anyone starting to use TurtleStitch. Initially, I decided to create cards after asking myself what I wished was available for me when I first joined TurtleStitch. The Snap! manual was a great resource as it helped me understand the functions of the blocks, but I wished there was something more personalized for the program. I spent months coming up with essential tutorial ideas and I worked on putting them on cards. Making the cards helped me learn more about certain blocks such as the newer 'move' blocks and its functions.
Draft of TurtleStitch "'Move' Blocks" Card - PDF will be available on turtlestitch.org soon!

The Future Generation Plenary also turned out well. Thank you all for the advice everyone has given us and I will always keep them in mind. This has been the greatest week for me and I hope many others, from various ages, will start to get involved.
One last thing: I would like to thank everyone who has been keeping up with my blogs and believing in me! Thank you Joek for giving me the chance to come to Europe to share my work. Thank you Susan, Andrea, and Michael for allowing me to collaborate on TurtleStitch with you guys. Thank you Jens, Richard, Joek, and Mags for being my first and very supportive friends at the conference. Thank you Mitchel and everyone at the conference for being people I idolize. 
I am going to a university next year, but I will continue to work on TurtleStitch and the cards! Stay tuned! :)

Twitter: steamct <https://twitter.com/steamct>


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