Cracking Down a Code #1
Today, I am looking and extracting a code on TurtleStitch so I could get a better understanding of what each block does to create a certain design. Original code I will go in order from top to bottom and explain the blocks: Figure 1 (max_stepsize=40) when (flag) clicked : this block is used to control the script so when you click on the green flag, the turtle will start stitching the code. go to x: 0 y: 0 : this block is used to direct the turtle to the center of the stage. set __ to __ : this block is used to set the chosen variable to a given value (string or number). a) max_stepsize is the spacing between the stitches so if it was set to 10, then it would look like the above image. If I changed it to 40, it would look like Figure 1. b) len seems to be the size of the center of the design. When I set it to 50, I realized the center got bigger and when I set it to 100, there was an even greater difference...